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How to enable HTTPS access to your website without spending any money


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In the world of the Internet, data security has become an issue that every website and user has to face. Recently, network information leakage incidents have occurred frequently, causing more and more websites to pay attention to the security of user data. Therefore, enabling HTTPS access has become a must-deploy for a website.

HTTPS protocol, as a secure version of HTTP protocol, encrypts data transmission between client and server through SSL protocol, thus ensuring the security of information during transmission. For website operators, deploying SSL certificates for websites and implementing HTTPS secure transmission can not only enhance user trust, but also effectively prevent data leakage and tampering.Here is the application process:

Fill in the registration code 230919 when registering an account to apply for a permanent free SSL certificateicon-default.png?t=N7T8 Visit the official website of free SSL certificate service provider JoySSL, register an account, and fill in the registration code 230919 in the last column of the registration to get a permanent free SSL certificate.

2. Click SSL Certificate and select the certificate type you need (single domain certificate, multi-domain certificate, wildcard certificate).

Purchase for 3.0 yuan and submit the order.

4. Click Apply for Certificate and fill in relevant information (domain name, contact information, region, etc.) according to the prompts.

5. The system automatically generates a CSR file and verifies domain name ownership according to the prompts.

6. After the certificate is issued, download the certificate package and decompress it, and deploy the SSL certificate according to the installation instructions.