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Test report of automatic counting system for various types of electronic components for industrialization


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Table of contents

1. Project Description

2. Login registration test

2. Main interface test

2.1 Online counting test

2.2 Offline counting test

2.3. Browsing data test

1. Project Description

The system uses a machine vision platform to collect images of electronic components and designs and implementsAdapt to electronic components with different distribution shapesCounting model, which can count and classify quickly and accurately, and store the test results in a database for easy query and retrieval

2. Login registration test

When using the system, first set up the employee's account and password. If the employee has his own account, enter the account and password and match them with the account information in the database. If the match is correct, you can log in to the main interface. If you do not have an account, you can also register your own account and password through the registration button.