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title: Nuxt3 life cycle and hook functions (10)
date: 2024/6/30
updated: 2024/6/30
author: cmdragon
Abstract: This article introduces five webpack hook functions in the Nuxt3 framework in detail: webpack:configResolved is used to read and modify the configuration after the webpack configuration is resolved; webpack:compile is called before compilation starts to modify the compilation options; webpack:compiled is called after compilation is completed to process the compilation results; webpack:change is triggered when the file changes in development mode to monitor file changes; webpack:error captures error information when a compilation error occurs for error handling. The usage of each hook is demonstrated through sample code.
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: An array containing the parsed webpack compiler configuration objects.webpack:configResolved
The hook allows developers to read and modify the webpack configuration after it is parsed.
This is called after the configuration is fully generated and parsed, so the developer can make further adjustments to the final configuration here.
Here is an example showing how to use it in a Nuxt pluginwebpack:configResolved
Hooks to read and modify parsed webpack config:
// plugins/webpackConfigResolved.js
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) =