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Construction of Harbin Smart City Security Framework from the Perspective of Information Security Assessment


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With the rise of smart cities, Harbin, as an important city in Northeast China, is actively exploring and practicing the construction of a smart city security framework to ensure that in the process of digital transformation, it can not only enjoy the convenience brought by technology, but also effectively prevent and respond to various network security risks.

This article will explore the construction strategy of Harbin's smart city security framework from the perspective of security assessment, aiming to provide security guidance for smart city construction in Harbin and other cities.

1. The Status of Information Security Level Protection Assessment in Smart City Security Information Security Level Protection Assessment, also known as Information Security Level Protection Assessment, is an information system security protection system promoted by the state, requiring information systems of different levels to meet corresponding security protection requirements. In the field of smart cities, Information Security Level Protection Assessment is not only a compliance requirement, but also a key means to ensure the security of urban information infrastructure, protect citizens' privacy, and maintain social stability.

2. Principles for building Harbin’s smart city security framework 1. Compliance principle: Strictly abide by national laws, regulations and industry standards to ensure the security and compliance of smart city construction.

2. Comprehensiveness principle: Cover all levels including physical, network, host, application, data, etc. to build a comprehensive security protection system.

3. Dynamic principle: In the face of ever-changing network security threats, the security framework must be flexible and scalable, and able to be adjusted and optimized in a timely manner.

4. Risk-oriented principle: Based on the results of risk assessment, priority should be given to ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure and security resources should be allocated rationally.

3. Harbin Smart City Security Framework Construction Strategy

1. Security classification and security goal setting According to the Cybersecurity Law and related standards, security classification is carried out for various systems in Harbin Smart City, the security protection level of each system is clarified, and clear security goals are set.

2. Build a multi-layered defense system

• Physical security: Strengthen the security protection of physical facilities such as data centers and computer rooms, including environmental monitoring, access control, disaster prevention and mitigation measures.

• Network security: Deploy firewalls, intrusion detection systems, virtual private networks (VPNs), etc. to ensure network perimeter security. • Host security: Implement operating system security reinforcement, and conduct vulnerability scans and patch updates regularly.

• Application security: adopt secure coding standards and implement code review to ensure the security of applications. • Data security: implement data classification and grading management, and use encryption technology to ensure the security of data during transmission and storage.

3. Security management system construction • Security policies and procedures: Establish clear security policies, including access control, password management, data protection, etc.

• Safety training and awareness enhancement: Conduct safety training regularly to enhance employees’ safety awareness. • Emergency response mechanism: Establish a safety incident reporting and response process to ensure prompt response when a safety incident occurs.

4. Regular evaluation and continuous improvement • Security assessment: Regularly conduct security assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of security measures and promptly identify and resolve security issues.

• Continuous optimization: Based on the evaluation results and security trends, the security framework is continuously optimized to maintain its advancement and effectiveness. IV. Features and achievements of Harbin’s smart city security framework In the process of building a smart city security framework, Harbin fully considered the special environmental conditions in the Northeast, such as the impact of extreme weather on physical security, and the demand for smart policing and data security during the ice and snow tourism season. Through the innovative use of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies, Harbin has achieved remarkable results in the fields of smart transportation, smart tourism, smart policing, and has built a stable smart city security ecosystem.

Conclusion The construction of Harbin's smart city security framework is a systematic project that requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and citizens. Through the guidance of security assessment, Harbin is gradually establishing a smart city security system that meets national standards and adapts to local characteristics, providing a solid guarantee for the sustainable development of the city and the better life of residents.

In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the evolution of security threats, Harbin will continue to deepen the application of security assessment, constantly innovate and improve the smart city security framework, and provide reference experience and models for the construction of smart cities across the country and even the world.