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Deep understanding of locks in C


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Table of contents

1. Basic mutex (std::mutex)

2. Recursive mutex (std::recursive_mutex)

3. Mutex with timeout mechanism (std::timed_mutex)

4. Recursive mutex with timeout mechanism (std::recursive_timed_mutex)

5. Shared mutex is also called read-write lock (std::shared_mutex)

6. Shared mutex with timeout mechanism (std::shared_timed_mutex)

7. Spin Lock

8. Summary

1.Basic mutex (std::mutex)

含义: std::mutexIt is the most basic mutex lock, mainly used to protect critical sections and ensure that only one thread can access shared resources at the same time.

scenes to be used: Used when you need to protect shared resources from being modified by multiple threads simultaneously.

Features:Simple and easy to use, suitable for most scenarios; recursive locking is not possible, and multiple attempts to lock by the same thread will cause deadlock.

The following is a simple example showing how to use