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existadb shell logcat
Combine in commandgrep
To filter logs, if you want to match two substrings at the same time, you can use a pipe (|
) Put twogrep
Commands are linked together, or usinggrep
, which is equivalent to-E
) option to support extended regular expressions, so you can use logical OR (|
) to match multiple patterns.
OrderIn this method, the firstgrep
The command filters out the lines containing the first substring, then the secondgrep
The command then filters out the lines containing the second substring from these lines.
adb shell logcat -b all | grep '子串1' | grep '子串2' |
OptionsThis approach is more concise because it allows you togrep
Multiple modes can be specified in the command at the same time.
adb shell logcat -b all | grep -E '子串1|子串2' |
But please note that the above command will actually match lines containing either "substring 1" or "substring 2", not lines containing both. If you want to match both substrings at the same time, you should write:
adb shell logcat -b all | grep '子串1' | grep '子串2' |
Or usegrep
(Note: This is not a standardgrep
but some versions ofgrep
Support) orawk
etc. to handle multi-line matching (which is often more complex and not necessary for simple scenarios).
However, if you really need to match two substrings in a regular expression (and the two substrings can appear anywhere on the same line), you can use the analogy of logical AND (although you are actually using logical OR).|
, but by ensuring that both substrings appear in the pattern):
adb shell logcat -b all | grep -E '子串1.*子串2|子串2.*子串1' |
This command will match the occurrence of "substring 1" first and "substring 2" second, or "substring 2" first and "substring 1" second in the same line. Note that this pattern does not strictly require the two substrings to be adjacent, and there can be any number of characters between them. If you need them to be adjacent, you can remove the middle.*