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Mojolicious is a modern and high-performance web development framework based on Perl. It provides a rich set of tools to simplify the web development process. With the development of front-end technology, CSS preprocessors such as Sass and Less have become an indispensable part of modern web development due to their powerful functions and flexibility. This article will explore in detail whether the Mojo framework supports the use of CSS preprocessors and show how to integrate these tools in the Mojolicious project.
CSS preprocessors allow developers to write CSS code using advanced features such as variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, etc.
Sass extends CSS using SCSS or Sass syntax, whereas Less is a preprocessor that adds features like variables, operators, functions, etc. to CSS.
Mojolicious does not have built-in support for Sass or Less, but integration can be achieved through plugins or external tools.
The Mojolicious community provides some plugins that allow you to use CSS preprocessors directly in your project.
# 在Mojolicious应用中添加插件
plugin 'Sass';
You need to set the corresponding plugin options in the Mojolicious configuration file to support the compilation of Sass or Less files.
# Mojolicious配置示例
plugins =