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Web crawling, commonly known as web crawlers or spiders, is a technology that automatically browses web pages and extracts the required data. This data can be text, pictures, links, or any elements on a web page. Crawlers usually follow certain rules, visit web pages, parse page content, and store the required information.
Objective-C is a programming language developed by Apple for Mac OS X and iOS operating systems. It is widely used to develop iOS and Mac applications. It is known for its powerful memory management and object-oriented features. Using Objective-C for web scraping can take advantage of its rich libraries and frameworks, such as Foundation and Cocoa, to simplify the development process.
Before we start writing code, we need to set up a development environment. For Objective-C, you can choose Xcode as your integrated development environment (IDE). Xcode provides a variety of functions such as code editing, debugging, and interface design. It is the preferred tool for developing macOS and iOS applications.
The following is a simple Objective-C crawler example that demonstrates how to send an HTTP GET request and print out the HTML content of a web page.