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Cash register system source code-marketing activities-lucky draw


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1. Functional description

Operational lucky draw: smart new retail cash register system, online mall marketing plug-in, merchants/stores set up lucky draw activities on the mini program mall, and the winners can be determined internally;

2. Applicable scenarios
  • Promotions at specific times such as new store openings, store anniversaries, and holidays;
  • To attract new members, you need to be a member to participate in the lucky draw event;
  • Community interaction: push activity links to store communities to attract traffic;
3. Functional highlights
  • Activities can be created by the headquarters or independently by giving stores permission.
  • Activity channels: WeChat Mini Program Mall, Alipay Mini Program Mall;
  • Reward type: Supported products (call product data from product library), coupons, points, balance (membership card balance);
  • Draw frequency: Each person draws N times per day, each person draws N times during the event, and the number of free draws can be set;
  • Member level: specify the member level to participate or all members to participate;
  • More settings: top floating picture, background picture, whether to display the list of winners, etc.; internal winners;
4. System development language

Qianhu New Retail V2.0 related development language