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Qt Practice (2) Building a Development Environment | 2.2. Detailed Explanation of .pro Files


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In the Qt development environment, the .pro file is a very important project file. Its full name is project management file (Project file), which is mainly used to store and configure the compilation and linking information of the entire project. The .pro file automatically generates the Makefile file through the qmake tool, which in turn instructs the compiler on how to compile the entire project. This article will introduce the role of the .pro file in detail from several aspects.

1. Detailed explanation of .pro file

1. The role of .pro file

In the Qt development environment, the .pro file is a very important project file. Its full name is project management file (Project file), which is mainly usedStores and configures compilation and linking information for the entire projectThe .pro file automatically generates a Makefile file through the qmake tool, which in turn instructs the compiler on how to compile the entire project. This article will introduce the role of the .pro file in detail from several aspects.

2. Project Management

The .pro file is first of all a configuration for the entire project. It records in detail the files, paths, dependent libraries, and other information contained in the project. For example, it lists all the .cpp source files, .h header files, .ui interface files, and resource files (such as .qrc) in the project, and also specifies the paths and dependencies of these files. In this way, when the project scale increases and contains hundreds of source files, the .pro file can help developers effectively manage these files.

3. Compile configuration

The .pro file also contains the configuration information required for the compilation and linking process. It can optimize the compilation process of the project by specifying different compilation options. For example, the CONFIG variable is used to tell qmake about the configuration information of the application, such as enabling C 11 standard support (CONFIG = c 11). In addition, the .pro file can also specify the name of the generated executable file (TARGET), the Qt module used (QT = core gui), etc.

4. Dependency Management

In complex projects, it is often necessary to introduce external libraries or modules. The .pro file specifies the list of libraries and their paths to be linked to the project through the LIBS variable. This enables the project to correctly link to the required libraries and ensure the normal operation of the program. For example, if you want to link to the library located at C:/mylibs/math.lib, you can add win32:LIBS = c:/mylibs/math.lib to the .pro file.

5. Platform support

Qt is a cross-platform C GUI application development framework, and the .pro file also supports cross-platform configuration. By adding conditional compilation instructions in the .pro file, developers can write different compilation and link configurations for different operating systems (such as Windows, Linux, macOS). This greatly enhances the portability and compatibility of the project.

6. Automatic compilation

The .pro file automatically generates a Makefile file through the qmake tool, realizing automatic compilation. Developers only need to configure the .pro file in Qt Creator and then execute the compile command. qmake will generate a Makefile based on the configuration information in the .pro file and call the make tool to compile the entire project. This automatic compilation mechanism greatly improves development efficiency.

7. Examples

Here is an example of a simple .pro file:

TEMPLATE = app  
CONFIG  = c  11  
QT  = core gui  
TARGET = myApplication  
FORMS  =   