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Things to note for ITIL4 certification exam (with exam answering strategy)


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As an IT service management expert with ITIL 4 intermediate certification, I know the importance of preparing for the ITIL 4 certification exam. Here I share my review and preparation experience to help you pass the exam smoothly.

1. Make a revision plan

Making a detailed review plan is the first step in preparing for the exam. Arrange your review time reasonably every day, focusing on reviewing important knowledge points such as ITIL4's key concepts, four dimensions, and service value system.

2. Do more simulation questions

In the process of preparing for the exam, doing more ITIL 4 certification simulation questions is an effective way to improve the efficiency and level of preparation. Simulation questions can help you become familiar with the exam question types and test points, and improve your problem-solving ability.

3. Pay attention to the exam focus

During the preparation process, special attention should be paid to the key knowledge points and difficulties of the ITIL4 certification exam. Focus on understanding and mastering the key concepts of service management, the four dimensions of service management, and ITIL management practices.

4. Exam answering strategy

In the exam, pay attention to the following answering strategies:

  • Read the questions carefully and understand their meaning.
  • Pay attention to key words like “best,” “preferred,” etc.
  • Eliminate distractors and choose the answer that best fits the question.
  • Pay attention to time allocation and arrange your time reasonably to complete each question.

5. Stay in good shape

During the preparation and examination period, it is very important to maintain a good physical and mental state. Get enough sleep and eat well to avoid anxiety and stress that may affect your preparation.

By making a reasonable review plan, doing more simulation questions, paying attention to the exam key points and following the answer strategy, I believe you can successfully pass the ITIL4 certification exam and achieve your career development goals.

I hope the above ITIL4 certification exam precautions and answering strategies can help you prepare for the exam smoothly and achieve excellent results. I wish you good luck in the exam and become an excellent IT service management expert!