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Reinforcement Learning Control Classification for Humanoid Robots


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Reinforcement Learning Control of Humanoid Robots

The control of humanoid robots is an important research direction in robotics, and reinforcement learning (RL) technology has been widely used in recent years. The following are several typical cases that show how to use reinforcement learning technology to achieve the control of humanoid robots:

1. Deep reinforcement learning controls the walking of humanoid robots:

  • Case Overview:
    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) technology is used to train humanoid robots to achieve stable walking. Through continuous trial and error in a simulated environment, the robot can learn how to walk on different terrains.
  • specific method:
    Use Deep Q-Network (DQN) or Policy Gradient algorithms, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) or Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG). Update model parameters by continuously sampling environment states, actions, and rewards.
  • Case application:
    In 2016, Google DeepMind successfully used DRL technology to train a virtual humanoid robot capable of walking on a variety of terrains.

2. Humanoid robot motion control based on imitation learning and reinforcement learning:

  • Case Overview:
    Combining imitation learning and reinforcement learning enables humanoid robots to learn complex motor skills such as running, jumping or gymnastic movements.
  • specific method:
    By imitating the motion data of humans or other robots (such as MoCap data), the robot first learns basic motion patterns, and then refines and optimizes them through reinforcement learning to adapt to the actual environment.
  • Case application:
    OpenAI's research team used this method to train a virtual humanoid robot capable of performing gymnastic movements.

3. Application of multi-task learning and transfer learning in humanoid robots:

  • Case Overview:
    Through multi-task learning and transfer learning techniques, humanoid robots can learn other related tasks (such as running or going up and down stairs) more quickly after learning one task (such as walking).
  • specific method:
    Train multiple related tasks based on a shared model, and improve overall learning efficiency and performance through sharing and migration between tasks.
  • Case application:
    DeepMind's research shows how to use multi-task learning and transfer learning to enable robots to share knowledge between different tasks, thereby learning new skills more efficiently.

4. Model-based reinforcement learning to control humanoid robots

  • Case Overview:
    Model-Based Reinforcement Learning is used to predict and plan by learning the dynamic model of the environment, enabling humanoid robots to control their movements more efficiently.
  • specific method:
    Build a physical model of the robot and the environment, and optimize the control strategy by predicting future states and rewards, such as using the MBPO (Model-Based Policy Optimization) algorithm.
  • Case application:
    MIT's Robotics Lab uses model-based reinforcement learning to achieve efficient motion planning and control of humanoid robots in unknown environments