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I have been developing mobile phones for many years. I am ashamed to say that I only recently learned that Android phones can be developed and debugged without plugging in a data cable. The reason is that the company recently purchased a batch of Android all-in-one card devices, and needed to develop custom APPs for them, but I found that there was no response when I plugged in USB for debugging. After asking the manufacturer, I learned that debugging can be done through WIFI.
1) Please connect to the Internet (wired network or WIFI; wired network supports DHCP and static IP), and make sure the device IP is in the same network segment as the computer. The device IP can be viewed in the settings, as shown below:
Then in the command line, use adb connect ip:8888, as shown below:
After connected to ip appears, you can use the adb debugging function normally.
2) If you need to configure the wired network to a static IP, please enter Settings -