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First! Tencent Cloud Data Wanxiang passed the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology's intelligent storage special test


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On June 19, 2024, the first "Data Intelligence Conference" hosted by the China Communications Standards Association and organized by the China Communications Standards Association Big Data Technology Standard Promotion Committee (CCSA TC601) was grandly held in Beijing. Tencent Cloud Storage was invited to attend the event. The results of the "Trusted Data Intelligence" series of evaluation tests were officially announced at the conference. After rigorous evaluation tests and reviews, Data Vientiane was the first to pass the evaluation and obtained the Communication Academy [Storage Intelligence Service Basic Capability Test Certificate].

As a solution that provides integrated storage and data processing, intelligent storage can provide processing capabilities for all types of multimedia data, such as image processing, media processing, content review, file processing, AI content recognition, and document services, helping users to tap into the value of data. It has become an important direction for the current development of data storage. The Cloud Computing Institute of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, relying on the China Communications Standards Association Big Data Technology Standard Promotion Committee (CCSA TC601), has compiled the "General Technical Requirements for Storage Intelligent Services". The standard includes four major capability domains: basic functions, data management capabilities, security, and compatibility, with a total of 46 capability items.


product description

Data Wanxiang is a one-stop intelligent platform focusing on data processing. It provides image processing, media processing, content review, file processing, AI content recognition, document services and other multimedia data processing capabilities for cloud storage data. It allows users to move from "storage for storage" to "storage for use", helps Tencent Cloud Object Storage COS to upgrade intelligently, focuses on ease of use, provides out-of-the-box intelligent processing capabilities, improves user experience, and helps users tap into data value.


Data Vientiane Product Matrix



Product advantages

In today's era of explosive data growth, both enterprises and individuals are faced with the challenge of how to effectively manage and utilize massive amounts of data. Traditional storage solutions often fail to meet the efficient needs of modern businesses for data processing and access. DataVanxiang provides users with a new storage solution that reduces storage costs, empowers business, and facilitates use through rich and comprehensive data processing technologies.

● Reduce storage costs:It provides image, audio and video data compression, scaling, and transcoding capabilities to reduce file size and save storage space.