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If you like the cyberpunk style, you must not miss Cyberpunk 2077. So what kind of game is Cyberpunk 2077? Can Cyberpunk 2077 run on Apple computers? Let's take a look at the introduction.
"Cyberpunk 2077" is an open world action role-playing game developed by CD Projekt RED. The story is set in the future Night City, a metropolis full of power changes and body modification.
In the game, you will play as a customizable character named "V", an ambitious mercenary who is pursuing a unique implant that holds the key to immortality. You can customize your character's prosthetics, skills, and playstyle, explore a vast city, and the choices you make will have an impact on the plot and the world around you.
The game also has many rich elements, such as you can freely choose the character's gender and appearance, etc. The game also provides many technical optimizations and improvements, such as the addition of ray tracing, DLSS 3.5 ray reconstruction technology, DLSS frame generation, super resolution and other graphics enhancements.
In addition, the game has many unique ways to play, such as you can become a wanderer, familiar with the suburbs of Night City; or become a street kid with street reputation and wisdom; or be a company employee, covered in top-notch military-grade prostheses.
Cyberpunk 2077 can be run on Apple computers, but it requires CrossOver.
CrossOver is a program that allows you to run Windows software on Mac or Linux. With CrossOver, you can run Windows games seamlessly without having to purchase a virtual machine and system. CrossOver supports a large number of popular games including "God of War", "Phantom Palu", "Cyberpunk 2077", "Elden Ring", "World of Warcraft", "Elden Ring" and so on.
Step 1: Click to download and install the CrossOver software.
CrossOver24 Mac Chinese free installation package download (this link continues to point to the latest version):