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【ARMv8/v9 GIC Series 5.1 -- GIC GICD_CTRL Enable 1 of N Wakeup Function】


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GIC Enable 1 of N Wakeup Function

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In the ARM GICv3 (Generic Interrupt Controller third generation) specification, a feature called "Enable 1 of N Wakeup" was introduced. This feature is specifically designed to improve interrupt management and processing efficiency. In traditional interrupt processing, when the processor (CPU) is awakened by an interrupt, it needs to process all pending interrupts. However, sometimes not all interrupts are urgent, and perhaps only one or a few interrupts need to be processed immediately. The "Enable 1 of N Wakeup" feature allows the system to manage this situation more flexibly, improving efficiency by only waking up the processor to process the highest priority interrupt.


"1 of N Wakeup"The feature allows the GIC to select a highest priority interrupt among multiple pending interrupts to wake up the processor. This means that the processor can be woken up to handle a specific interrupt instead of being woken up by all pending interrupts. This can reduce the number of processor wake-up times, save power, and improve processor efficiency.

Working Mechanism

When this feature is enabled