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Python Learning Plan

Phase 1: Python Basics (1-2 months)

Target: Master Python's basic syntax, data types, control structures, functions, modules and packages, etc.

  1. Learn basic Python syntax: Includes variables, data types (integers, floating-point numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, etc.), conditional statements, and loop statements.
  2. Functions and modules: Learn how to define and use functions, and how to import and use modules.
  3. Object-Oriented Programming: Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming such as classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.

Recommended books

  • "Python Programming: From Beginners to Practice":This book is very suitable for Python beginners and allows you to learn Python by building projects.
  • Python Basics Tutorial (3rd Edition): It explains various aspects of Python in detail and is suitable as an introductory textbook.
Phase 2: Advanced Learning (1-2 months)

Target: In-depth study of Python's advanced features, such as file operations, exception handling, regular expressions, network programming, etc.

  1. File Operations: Learn how to read and write files, and process text and binary data.
  2. Exception handling: Understand the exception mechanism in Python and learn to write robust code.
  3. Regular Expressions:Master the methods of using regular expressions to search, replace and verify strings.
  4. network programming: Learn network programming using sockets, and the basics of HTTP clients and servers.

Recommended books

  • Advanced Python Programming: An in-depth introduction to Python's advanced features and best practices.
  • Python Network Programming: Books focusing on network programming, suitable for readers with a certain foundation in Python.
Phase 3: Web Development (1-2 months)

Target: Learn web development with Python, including frameworks like Django or Flask.

  1. Web Development Basics: Understand basic concepts such as HTTP protocol, Web server, request and response.
  2. Django or Flask framework: Choose a framework to study in depth and master its core functions such as routing, templates, ORM, etc.
  3. Database Operations: Learn how to use SQLAlchemy or Django ORM for database operations.
  4. Separation of front-end and back-end: Understand RESTful API design and learn how to use Ajax for front-end and back-end data interaction.

Recommended books

  • 《Django Web Development in Action》: Introduce the use of Django through actual projects.
  • 《Flask Web Development》: Books suitable for beginners to learn the Flask framework.
Phase 4: Data Science and Machine Learning (optional, duration based on interest)

Target: Learn to use Python for data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning.

  1. NumPy vs Pandas: Learn these two powerful libraries for data analysis and processing.
  2. Matplotlib vs Seaborn: Learn data visualization techniques.
  3. Scikit-learn:Master the methods of training and evaluating machine learning models using Scikit-learn.

Recommended books

  • The Python Data Science Cookbook: A comprehensive introduction to data science using Python.
  • Machine Learning in Action:Learn machine learning algorithms through project practice.

Study Tips

  • Hands: In addition to theoretical learning, you need to write code for practice and deepen your understanding.
  • Get involved in the community: Join the Python learning community to exchange ideas and solve problems with others.
  • Read the official documentation: Python's official documentation is a valuable resource for learning, and should be consulted first when encountering problems.
  • Insist on learning: Maintain enthusiasm and persistence in learning, and continue to accumulate knowledge and experience.

The above answer comes from Wenyan Yixin. I have sorted out all the books, seeds and various learning roadmaps by myself.